How to reduce fan noise in DAEWOO HDR recorders.
(yes, my english is ugly, i know...)
In fact, recorder's fan produced high noise. Only way to reduce this noise is change fan voltage from 12 Volts to 7 Volts. This is may be performed in several ways. One is connect fan trough 120 Ohm resistor, but i am explain other, very easy way, without any solder works. For this procedure the standart computer power-splitter (Y-style, Molex) is required to us. Usually, this splitter is applied to connection of several HDD or optical drives to one branch of a power supply unit. Below the step-by-step instruction is presented.
1. Disconnect main (high voltage) power cord from wall outlet. Remove a cover. Disconnect fan connector from recorder's power supply.
2. Disassembly fan connector as explain on photo (remove plastic cap from wire's contacts):
3. Disconnect power supply cord from DVD-RW drive of recorder. Connect this end of power supply cord to input socket of power-splitter cable. One branch of power-splitter cable connect to DVD-RW drive of recorder. Photo can help you:
4. To the second branch of a power-splitter cable we connect wires of the fan. Be close with colors of wires. Black fan wire insert to splitter's hole with red wire. Red fan wire insert to splitter's hole with yellow wire. The photo will help you:
5. To provide reliability of fastening of wires of the fan in jacks of a socket of a splitter, we wind our design with a slice of a sticky tape. The removed cap of a fan connector is convenient for storing in its regular place - in a socket of a power unit - then it will not be lost. Accurately we stack wires of a splitter in the recorder's case, we watch, that they did not block access of air to the fan.
As we have not made any irreversible destructive actions, it is possible to return without any problems all in an original form!
Last update: 03 feb 2008